The schools forming part of Mikiel Anton Vassalli College network have started receiving online applications from new students for academic year 2020-2021. Various subjects are offered at levels ranging from beginner to those leading to a diploma (MQF 1-5).

One can learn about the wide variety of training offered at these specialised schools for visual and performing arts education by consulting the prospectus available at the website below.

The head of the college network, Victor Galea, said: “After last year’s positive experience when, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the schools’ closures, most of the teaching had to be conducted in a remote way online, as from this scholastic year, some of these schools will continue to offer a number of courses online, including art history and appreciation and courses about creative approaches to drawing and painting. Other training that will be offered online include subjects related to theatre/drama as well as the history of music.

“These initiatives will provide an opportunity for students aged 16+ to follow such training from the comfort of their home and at the times suitable to them.”

It is expected that these courses in visual and performing arts will start during the first week of October in the respective schools in Malta and Gozo: School of Music in Ħamrun, School of Art in Valletta, School of Dance and Drama in Blata l-Bajda and School of Visual and Performing Arts in Xewkija, Gozo.

All those interested may apply until September 20 at the following site:

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