Jacqueline Laferla writes:

Our super friend Jessica, who was a superhero in her own category, physically left us a few days ago. She lived and let live. She sipped the nectar of life. Her friendship will continue to thrive as she has left us with gifts that will keep shining and unfolding until the end of time because that is who Jessica was.

She was blessed to be charmingly optimistic, colourful, multilingual, very sociable, stylish and very attractive. Always impeccably groomed with scarves worn masterfully. Although she appreciated and enjoyed many of the finer things in life, she was thrilled with the loving kindness of simple things.

She was an extremely hard worker and an excellent communicator. She had animal welfare at heart. She was non-judgemental. She never uttered an unkind word about anyone. She had no pretence. She was upfront, always saying it like it is. Sure, she’d express her grievances when love or kindness was not reciprocated in the same way she gave it. She then always did forgive those grievances, never harbouring resentment.

Jessica was relocated to Malta from the US as a child where she was born to American parents. She attended St Dorothy’s Convent School where she forged strong lifelong friendships. She was also educated in Switzerland. She graduated from UCSB in California. She was a woman of the world as she had uniquely woven American/Maltese/Swiss culture at a young age, which unravelled wonderfully throughout her life.

Very dedicated to every job she’d undertake, it was her delight to work in glamorous hotels. She also worked for the Olympics in Los Angeles in 1986. Her forte was wine tasting. This lady was a passionate connoisseur.

Jessica embodied dedication with oomph. She was dedicated to everything she did and how she lived; dedicated to her daughter Julia; dedicated to her friends, to her siblings, to her pets, to her work, to her cooking, to her partners, to her ex-partners’ partners even! And they all loved her.

She never spoke falsehoods. You knew where you stood with her. She was brutally honest. Especially when it came to fashion! She’d mention if jeans were too baggy or that the colour of a jumper didn’t quite swing it. In her heart, she loved all her friends deeply.

She faced challenges with gusto. At a young age she took being a diabetic in her stride. Her ultimate and final challenge arrived with her terminal medical condition which she handled à la Jess. This final journey took her profoundly within herself.

She was one of those rare people who looked you in the eye when conversing with you. Jessica was a friendship alchemist. She brought out the best not only in her friends, but in everyone she met. She accepted us just as we were, only she made us better. She made us love ourselves that little bit more. She focused on the positive aspects in people and in situations. Thankfully she loved to party. Never a dull moment with Jess.

She had mighty powers of persuasion. She was a very clever person. She always showered you with unconditional love if she chose you as a friend. And that is the legacy she leaves with so many of us who knew her and loved her.

I could go on and on. However, now I say thank you. Thank you Jessica, for being who you were. You were and are a beacon of light and love. I honour you. You will forever live in my heart. See you on the ultimate wild side, my darling.

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