Yes, my Lord, I am tempted to ask why? But your teaching reprimands me and I have to accept your decisions.

I recently found out that you had called the kind-hearted, faithful, saintly servant Mgr Pawl Cardona to your heavenly kingdom. Why, when he was still performing his duties as your minister so lovingly, so faithfully, so loyally, so devotedly, as he was brought up to do, among your Catholic flock?

He was relatively young, and so full of Christian energy, always smiling, wherever executing his pastoral duties as parish priest of St George’s Basilica, in the hamlet of Santa Luċija, Gozo, in the streets, meeting friends and people, encouraging them to have faith, preaching your infallible word with love and assertive integrity. He was loved by one and all.

And yet, the moment he learnt of your call – that the illness that came upon him was fatal – he accepted the slow process of passing away wholeheartedly and serenely, and spoke about it to all who would hear him sharing his feelings and sufferings on social media.

Little did I know how serious his case was. And little did I think Dun Pawl had already been given the ticket for departure. I was shocked to hear he had passed away some 15 days earlier… and I knew nothing about it, let alone about his funeral. So sorry Dun Pawl. My wife and I will miss you. The Catholic community in Gozo, shall miss you. Your dear family shall miss you.

May you enjoy the eternal life Our Lord has promised to those who love and serve him faithfully.

Irma and I wish sincere condolences to your family and relatives.

As for you, Dun Pawl, Au revoir.

Joe Zammit Ciantar

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