Sr Antoinette has unfortunately left us at a venerable age of 102 years. Very few people live up to this age, but even so she will be sorely missed.

It seems she was the sole survivor from about a dozen sisters of the 1950s era at St Emilie de Vialar Primary School in Rabat.

Ever since I completed my primary education in July 1955, I occasionally visited the sisters there. Sr Antoinette loved Italian, a language she taught us at primary level. Perhaps this was the first attempt at doing so at the elementary stage.

Besides, she spent so much time praying in the school chapel that she was dubbed the saintly sister. And so she was, quiet, unassuming, gentle and kind.

The last time I met her was in April 2020 after she turned 100 and I have a photo with her of that day. What a pity I could not visit her afterwards due to the pandemic.

In fact, I was looking forward to seeing her again, but the Lord claimed her before me.

Adieu Sr Antoinette, I am sure that He has a place reserved for you in heaven as a reward for your exemplary life of goodness and holiness,

May you rest in peace!


Alfred Conti Borda

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