An inspiration, a determined person, a dedicated civil servant, a family man and a friend to many across the political spectrum – these qualities describe our beloved friend Lorenzo Vella, who sadly passed away on Sunday, August 18.

The youngest of the Vella family, Lorenzo had a humble upbringing, yet a fierce determination to change the status quo. His militancy in the Labour Party stemmed from his determination to embrace progressive ideas and make Malta a place for all, irrespective of sexual orientation, nationality and beliefs.

Lorenzo aspired to make Malta a better place, and until his very last moments, he expressed his desire for politics to be better. He transmitted these ideals and principles to every person he met, be it in his personal or professional life. His love for life inspired many; his positivity radiated in his whole being, bringing others joy and comfort that those who knew him are privileged to have experienced.

It was with great pride that we witnessed the outpouring of tributes from across the political spectrum, from his former party colleagues and friends to the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Those of us who worked with him cannot express enough our gratitude for such support, and we are incredibly proud that Lorenzo has led us in our lives.

Lorenzo’s leadership was unique. He did not lead by authority despite being vested in it. Lorenzo led by influence, and his colleagues looked up to him as much as they followed his lead voluntarily and wholeheartedly. We are grateful for his leadership and his positive impact on our lives.

People from different walks of life knew Lorenzo; they all grew to love him and call him a genuine friend. He would stand alone against many to fiercely defend his friends, his beliefs and his loved ones, values that today are rarer than any of us might think.

His love for life inspired many; his positivity radiated in his whole being, bringing others joy and comfort

We have witnessed this fierce determination to fight for his beliefs and inspired many so that injustice and discrimination should be fought against.

Amid a fierce and loyal friend, we were lucky to witness a leader who stood determined to put Malta’s name at the top, a top-tier member state of the EU and Europe. In his diverse roles, he always stood out in the best of ways among his other colleagues.

With his jovial character, witty jokes and those smiling eyes of his, he made Malta proud – we, who worked with him, lucky to call him our friend, could not have been prouder to learn from him, to have been inspired by him, and to have witnessed a true advocate of Malta in the diplomatic circles.

Lorenzo was an approachable individual who could engage with everyone irrespective of rank or status, though serious and committed to any task he was trusted with.

You would see him walking down the corridors as Deputy Permanent Representative to the European Union and later as Malta’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, always head high while engaging with everyone coming his way. That was the man Lorenzo was and will be remembered by – an extremely diligent personality who left an inedible mark on many people who had the privilege and honour to have made his acquaintance or become his friend.

Finally, a message to his beloved children. Dearest, you cannot be prouder of who your father was and what he achieved through strong values and principles. As you grow up and

become adults, you will understand better and always remember that he loved you immensely and was incredibly proud of you. Your dad inspired many, a fighter against injustices and discrimination and a fighter for the marginalised and those who could be forgotten in the peripheries of society.

Wenz, you’ve given all of us a privilege of a lifetime. May you rest in peace. Until we meet again, we shall live by your standard: to keep working on becoming better versions of ourselves. 

Your Excellency, we salute you and thank you wholeheartedly.

Written by the friends of former ambassador and head of EU Commission Representation in Malta, Lorenzo Vella.

Mass to celebrate Lorenzo’s life will be held at Christ the King Basilica, Paola, on Thursday, August 22 at 10am.

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