The business planning season at APS Bank started recently with Board members and senior management meeting to chart the bank’s direction for the coming three years. The full-day event featured a series of in-depth presentations and discussions on the Bank’s strategy, with subject matter experts invited to share their insights and experiences with the leadership team.

One of the highlights was a keynote presentation by KPMG UK Partner Suvro Dutta on the theme ‘Future in Focus: Path to 2030’. The agenda also included a diverse range of presentations by colleagues from various departments and units, offering a holistic view of the bank’s priorities.

CEO Marcel Cassar set the tone for the event with an introduction where he emphasised the importance of strategic thinking in the planning process. “Strategic thinking requires that we discuss our purpose, focus on the bigger picture, and look beyond our immediate environment. It acknowledges our past achievements but does not assume they will automatically be repeated, as challenges can arise from any direction. This is the time to test our assumptions and ensure we are not taking anything for granted.”

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