Last Thursday, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his ordination as bishop, Mgr Charles Scicluna visited the Freeport, where he celebrated Mass in one of its warehouses and met employees. Mass was offered for the repose of those who lost their life at the workplace. Mgr Scicluna was later taken on a tour of the Freeport to saw the company’s facilities. At the end of the visit, he blessed a niche dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and prayed, together with the employees, for staff who had passed away.

Later in the evening, Mgr Scicluna celebrated Mass at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta. Present for the ceremony were President George Vella, and Mrs Vella, Prime Minister Robert Abela, Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, members of the clergy and religious, his family and members of the public.

During his homily, Mgr Scicluna said he wished to give thanks that, in the people he has been called to serve, God had given him opportunities of solace, humility, wisdom and patience. He also asked the congregation to pray for him.

He said: “When I look back on the past 10 years, which seem to have passed like a dream, I have come to realise as I mature in age that life is full of ups and downs and that it is frivolous to think we are in control of life. The more time passes the more I become aware that life passes by very quickly, like a flash of lightning, and that, eventually, we will all need to be answerable for the way we have lived our lives. And I hear in my heart Jesus asking me: ‘Do you love me?’”

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