The seventh edition of the Mcast Institute of Art and Design projects exhibition is currently being held at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta, until July 27.

The projects exhibition is a showcase of the final year work of students following courses at the Mcast's Institute of Art and Design. It demonstrates that students have acquired the appropriate practical and technical skills, theoretical understanding, research skills and also critical awareness.

Students interested in studying art and design are strongly encouraged to visit the exhibition which is open to the general public between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

This year over 115 projects are on display involving a range of materials such as textiles, limestone, ceramics, glass-reinforced plastics, wood and metal.

External Btec verifier Marilyn Gauld stated that "a high standard of creative work has been achieved this year throughout all the programme levels.

Students demonstrated practical skills and knowledge understanding in their chosen vocational areas."

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