A public lecture – ‘Art in the space of nature’ – hosted by the Department of Art and Art History, University of Malta, will be held tomorrow from 6 to 8pm.

[attach id="716666" size="medium" align="right"]Rosanna Ruscio[/attach]

The lecture is to be delivered by Rosanna Ruscio, professor of History of Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Brera, Italy, who will be visiting the University through Erasmus.

Since the mid-1960s, many artists have shown a new interest in nature, and sculptors have begun to create works in the landscape.

Although this interest had ancient origins and had found the best expression in the second renaissance with the so-called ‘vegetation theatres’ and Mannerist gardens, will be above all from the 1960s, that it will have a better definition in Europe than in the US.

Ruscio will be focusing on two aspects of the landscape: how artists intervened in the landscape, as well as explaining what types of reflections were made by the artists on the relationship between nature and the city. The kind of research that was made in these spaces, together with the work the artists have left, will also be analysed.

This public lecture will take place  tomorrow at Gateway Hall B1, University of Malta, Msida Campus at 6pm. The lecture will be followed by refreshments.

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