Reference is made to the article published in The Sunday Times of Malta (February 9) entitled ‘Homes for the disabled taken over amid “shocking” living conditions’.

Ronald Galea (hereinafter, the ‘respondent’) states:

It is being established that:

The respondent reiterates that under his guidance the foundation established a national reputation of being a pioneer in the disability sector ever since he founded it since inception, and that it currently holds a strong financial position together with several assets all of which fall within the public domain;

The respondent always carried out his duties with the utmost of care and responsibility towards the patients and persons dwelling in such homes, especially in view of the fact that he himself is a person with disability;

The respondent categorically refutes the allegations as per below, namely:

That the respective houses were being kept in a bad state of repair and cleanliness – evidence to such effect can be presented as there are several photos that were taken throughout the course of years indicating that the care homes were effectively being kept in a good state of repair for the benefit of all patients;

That a health and safety report was promulgated by a reputable and independent firm, indicating and confirming in writing that Dar il-Wens was effectively in line with the terms of law and ultimately the health and safety of all residents;

Additionally, the respondent had also sought and obtained an official quote for the services of interior design and maintenance with the intention of improving the overall aesthetics and environment within the facility.

Moreover, an annual document entitled the Home Safety Risk Assessment was presented and signed on January 28, 2025, confirming that all the facilities were construed as a safe work environment for all engaged employees;

That the respondent had on instructions of the board, appointed an interior designer to improve the general upkeep and aesthetics of the respective homes and facilities, and that photographs taken by such document that the care homes were effectively already being taken care of extensively.

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