A Santa Marija niche dating back to the 19th century and a painting by the popular Baroque artist Francesco Zahra are among seven works of art that will be restored through an Arts Council Malta funding scheme. 

The Restoration Financing Scheme, which is now in its third year, will see €90,000 spent on returning the artworks to their former glory. 

The scheme aims at providing financial support for the repair, restoration, and conversion of internal and external cultural property items, including items such as altars, apertures, architectural décor, gilding and frescoes.

To be eligible for restoration, immovable cultural property must be at least 50 years old. 

Announcing the restoration projects on Friday, National Heritage Minster Owen Bonnici described the initiative as an important one to continue conserving the “remains of the past”.

“Through this scheme, we can continue preserving the rich history of our country,” he said.

Members of the seven applicants who have been awarded the Restoration Project Scheme. Photo: DOIMembers of the seven applicants who have been awarded the Restoration Project Scheme. Photo: DOI

One of the projects includes the restoration of the Santa Marija Niche in the Qrendi parsh church. The niche has been in place since 1837. 

Another includes the restoration of a 300-year-old oil on canvas painting, ‘La Pietà’ by Giovanni Nicola Buhagiar. The painting has been severely damaged as a result of a biscuit beetle infestation that has eaten away at organic adhesive between the original canvas and the relining canvas that was made with rabbit skin glue and flour.

Another project will see the restoration of the painting dedicated to Our Lady of Rosary by Francesco Zahra. The painting is found in the Tarxien parish church.

Information on all seven projects can be read here.

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