As part of its centenary celebrations, Atlas Insurance has unveiled a brand refresh honouring its past brand legacy while reaffirming its commitment to the future and propelling the company into the years ahead with renewed vigour.

As part of the brand refresh, Atlas Insurance has also reframed its purpose statement. “Building a positive tomorrow, together” articulates its core focus with renewed clarity and reflects its dedication to growth while staying true to its genuine concern for its employees, distributors, customers and the wider community, the company said.

Matthew von Brockdorff, Atlas Insurance managing director and CEO commented: “This project was not just about changing our logo or giving our branches and website a facelift. It has involved a profound inward journey into expressing what Atlas means to us and then looking outwards with a strong sense of purpose and identity. We reflected proudly on the foundations that have shaped Atlas Insurance and approached our brand refresh with a forward looking approach to preserve our values while embracing innovation.“

The brand refresh was rolled out exclusively to employees during an ‘Atlas Day’ celebration on February 23. Recognising the crucial contribution of ‘TeamAtlas’ to the evolving identity of the organisation and the implementation of the revitalised brand, the day-long event also offered employees a comprehensive insight into the research, thoughtful design and principles underpinning the brand refresh.

Atlas Insurance says it is actively cultivating a culture that embraces sustainability, change and adaptability. This strategic focus, complemented by a strong legacy and deep-rooted values, ensures that Atlas Insurance navigates the present landscape effectively and maintains its commitment to contributing a positive impact to all interactions with its stakeholders.

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