An Epiphany recital featuring soprano Gabrielle Portelli and tenor Stanley Joe Portelli accompanied by Maria Elena Farrugia is taking place on January 6.

The recital is the fruit of a special collaboration between the Friends of the Manoel and Opera Nova Project, founded by Denise Mulholland and Gillian Zammit.

“This year’s special festive programme will close the Christmas season in beauty in Valletta,” say the organisers.

The recital is taking place at 6pm at St Augustine’s church, Valletta, followed by drinks within the walls of the historic monastery.

“We look forward to hosting as many of you and your friends as possible,” say Mulholland and Zammit.

Contact Friends of the Manoel via their Facebook page to reserve your seats. A €10 donation is greatly appreciated and will go towards the organisation’s future educational and restoration endeavours.

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