Updated - Adds FKNK reaction

The autumn hunting season dates were announced today.

The government said hunting of birds on land shall be permitted between September 1 and January 31 between two hours before sunrise and two hours after sunset between Monday and Saturday.

Hunting will also be permitted between two hours before sunrise and 1 p.m on Sundays and Public Holidays.

However, hunting on land will not be allowed between September 15 and 30  from Monday to Saturday after 3.00 pm and two hours before sunrise of the next following day.

The dates are unchanged from the last two years.

The government said the dates were fixed on the basis of recommendations made by the Ornis Committee, applicable legal provisions regulating hunting, as well as the Policy Guidelines for Hunting and Trapping of Birds in Malta.

The Regulations also permit the hunting of birds at sea between October 1 and January 31. 

"The Police shall monitor closely the observance of hunting regulations and conditions. Government demands nothing short of strict compliance with the hunting regulations established at law, whilst infringements will not be tolerated," the statement said.

"It is the duty of each and every individual hunter to comply and adhere vigorously with the law. It is in the interest of hunting organisations and of individual hunters to ensure that no illegal hunting takes place since this would otherwise jeopardise any possible future hunting derogations."

The Ornis Committee also recommended the application of a limited derogation for the trapping of Golden Plover and Song Thrush, subject to fulfilling a number of conditions.

The government requested additional information and an assessment will then be made.


In a reaction, the FKNK criticised the government for leaving it to the last minute to announce the hunting days, and said such dates should be fixed, as is the case in other countries.

It also regretted that trapping was, for yet another year, not being allowed, and said this violated an election promise made by Eddie Fenech Adami.

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