Bank of Valletta was awarded first place in the Workplace Health Initiative Competition 2020 in the ‘large business category’.

This competition was organised by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate, with the aim to raise awareness on the health implications of obesity. The bank embarked on a campaign entitled ‘Project Health @BOV’ based on information, activities and nutrition, aimed at encouraging its staff members to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Project Health @BOV provided information to staff members and also to the public on the causes and threats of obesity and the adverse effects brought about by this condition. The campaign emphasised a healthier lifestyle and diet, as well as benefits of simple choices such as drinking water and using stairs instead of lifts.

Every day throughout the campaign, the bank organised activities and daily challenges aimed at encouraging staff to subscribe to a more active and healthier lifestyle. 

When presented with the award, Charles Azzopardi, executive PR and marketing at Bank of Valletta, thanked the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate for organising these type of drives.

“We are proud that we won this competition, thanks to our staff who always participate with so much enthusiasm. But we are even prouder that we live up to our ESG commitment to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being both within the bank and the community.”

“With Malta having high obesity and overweight rates, such initiatives are paramount as they continue to reinforce the importance of healthy choices being incorporated within daily routines. At Bank of Valletta, we strive to do our part in helping to raise awareness and inspire more people to adopt better and healthier lifestyles.”

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