Bernard Grech on Sunday accused the government of attempting to silence the Nationalist Party in parliament

Speaking briefly on NET's Analiżi, the Opposition Leader referred to last week’s protest, which he said delivered “a strong message”.

Grech said the “thousands” of people who turned up for the PN protest showed “they aren’t happy with the way things are going”.

He was addressing party supporters from Luqa while touring party clubs in a bid to mobilise support ahead of a PN's fundraising marathon. He also dropped by the clubs in Żabbar, Żebbuġ, Mosta, and St Paul’s Bay.

The Nationalist leader told party faithful the government was uncomfortable with PN's increasing momentum and as a result, "filed a motion to try and silence the Opposition in Parliament".

The party, he insisted, will remain the “voice of the people".

Grech's comments follow a heated exchange in parliament on Tuesday between Speaker Anġlu Farrugia and PN MP Karol Aquilina. The following day, the PL tabled a motion - set to be debated on Monday - condemning “attacks” on the Speaker.

Farrugia has rejected the PN’s accusations of political bias, saying he remains committed to upholding parliamentary rules and democratic principles.

On Sunday Grech was joined by MPs Ryan Callus and Jerome Caruana Cilia, as well as the party’s new secretary general, Charles Bonello.

The party leader referred to the PN’s past efforts to improve connectivity between Gozo and Malta, pledging that a future Nationalist government would introduce a fourth and fifth ferry while ensuring that the vessels would not pollute the sea.

He also promised to expand the Mġarr Harbour: “We want to give a quality of life to everyone, including Gozitans.”

Grech meanwhile encouraged supporters to donate to the party’s fundraising marathon and visit Dar Ċentrali to meet and engage with the PN.

“It is our pleasure to see our Nationalist Party family grow,” he said.

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