Opposition Leader Bernard Grech will be joining an anti-abortion rally in Valletta this afternoon as activists continue to oppose proposed amendments to Malta’s abortion laws. 

Malta is facing trying times and threats to its morality as it has in the past, Grech said during a political activity on Sunday.

The activity was commemorating 36 years since the death of Raymond Caruana, a PN activist who was killed in a drive-by shooting at the PN club in Gudja in 1986. The case remains unsolved to this day. 

“As the PN was at the forefront in the fight for liberty and democracy 36 years ago, we are once again being called at the forefront of a very important national issue, the fight for life,” he said. 

The Nationalist party, Grech continued, believes that society should be built on righteousness and put people first, while the Labour party is attempting to rob the Maltese of their dignity and freedom. 

“Unfortunately history repeats itself and we cannot let anyone change our history or attempt to make us forget it. We have to remember our past so we don’t relive it. We must fight to guarantee what we won in the past is not lost today,” he said. 

The PN is in favour of life from its conception to its natural end, Grech said and that the party would continue to hold this position to be on the right side of history. 

The proposed law intends to introduce abortion by stealth and has tricked the public, including Labour’s own voters, he said. 

Grech appealed to Labour MPs and officials to speak up within the party and oppose the amendment. 

“Where life is concerned there is no political colour,” he said. 

“I implore you to speak up and have the courage to not be complicit with a government that wants to introduce abortion.” 

He said that the party is willing to discuss further measures to protect women whose lives are in danger, the unborn as well as doctors, but this cannot be done by introducing abortion. He encouraged the government to take on amendments to the proposed legislation as made by a group of academics. 

“If abortion is introduced in Malta, no one will win and everyone will lose. We must safeguard our country for our future generations,” he said. 

Abortion is still currently illegal in Malta, however, parliament is currently debating an amendment to the criminal code that will protect doctors and pregnant women from prosecution if a pregnancy is terminated when a patient is “suffering from a medical complication which may put her life at risk or her health in grave jeopardy”.

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