Robert Abela will continue to attack the judiciary and journalists and continue to do as he pleases if Labour wins the June 8 elections by a large majority, Bernard Grech warned on Saturday. 

A big Labour victory would give the prime minister the freedom to continue attacking the courts and attack journalists, and Abela will only remember the electorate when the time comes for a general election, the opposition leader said. 

Grech was speaking to radio show host Andrew Azzopardi on RTK 103, with the discussion mainly focusing on the hospitals inquiry report. 

Azzopardi said Abela was invited to the programme to debate with Grech, but the host did not receive any response from the prime minister's team.

“The Prime Minister is comfortable where he can control the situation,” Grech said. 

All eyes will be on court on Tuesday, when former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will be criminally charged in connection with the hospitals scandal. 

Muscat is among a group, which includes his former chief of staff Keith Schembri, and former minister Konrad Mizzi, charged with money laundering, corruption, and bribery.

“I don’t take pleasure seeing our former prime minister in court,” Grech said. 

Abela is 'panicking'

Grech accused the prime minister of panicking, especially after Abela accused the PN of planning a ‘trap’ for Labour supporters who plan to gather outside court in support of Muscat on Tuesday.

“I don’t like to say it, but we have a ridiculous Prime Minister who does not realise the tragedy he is leading the people into."

He said Abela's comments are dangerous and antagonising people against the PN.

“Days have passed, and he did nothing because he knows what he said is made up,” he said when asked if he filed a police report on the 'trap' comment.

Grech claimed Abela made the comment to dissuade people from supporting Muscat on Tuesday.


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