
A native of Malta, Andrea Xuereb, also listed as Xuérès or Xuareb, was a renowned Dominican friar who died in Syracuse, Sicily, on 26 December, 1378. Described as a "splendore della Sacra Religione Domenicana", Xuereb was originally interred in the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle in Syracuse, deeply venerated by the locals. Other documents state that his coffin was moved from San Tommaso to the Cathedral but it quickly deteriorated there because of ants. Although never officially declared, Xuereb is referred to a ‘Blessed’. According to Abela, ‘con soma veneratione si riverisce da tutta quella Città’ (Siracusa).

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here.

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