
The son of Luigi and Carolina Scolaro, Abela Scolaro was born in Cospicua. He studied music locally and played as first cornet at the Royal Theatre and in several churches.

Abela Scolaro was bandmaster to various band clubs, amongst them St Michael of Żabbar, and was much in demand as a teacher of wind instruments.

In 1900 Abela Scolaro founded and was the first director of children’s band of St Joseph Institute, Ħamrun. He co-founded the ‘Filarmonica San Michele’, of Żabbar, of which he was the first director. He later was director of ‘Maria Mater Gratiae Band Club’ (1889-1891). In 1890 Abela-Scolaro was also director and bandmaster of ‘Prince of Wales Band Club’ of Vittoriosa, of ‘La Vincitrice Band Club’ of Senglea (1873-1889), bandmaster of ‘San Giorgio Band Club’ of Cospicua (1890-1891),  and of ‘Principe di Galles’ (King’s Own Band Club), Valletta (1891-1892). For a small period of time he was also bandmaster of ‘La Vilhena Band Club’ of Floriana.  Abela-Scolaro also was director of ‘La Pace’ theatre of Senglea (1888-1889), and of ‘La Principessa Melita’  theatre of Sliema (1889). He composed several band marches and operettas.

He was married to Margerita Camilleri in 1892 and they had four children, Luigi, Emanuel, Paolina, and Joseph. He died in Ħamrun.

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here.

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