Rector of the University of Malta

A man of many parts, and born in Vittoriosa to Filippo Magro and Maria née Lia, Enrico received his education at the UM where he graduated MD on 28 July 1877. 

He served as university examiner in arts and sciences (1882), medicine and surgery (1884), and land surveying and architecture (1885). He was appointed professor of mathematics and physics in 1885, and acting principal and secretary in 1887, a post he held till 1897. On 3 January 1898 Enrico Magro was appointed Director of Education, ex officio (acting) till 31 December 1899, and was confirmed on 1 January 1900 till 9 August 1904. He was also Director of Elementary Schools between 10 August 1904 and 31 July 1913, and secretary to the Oxford Local Examinations.

In 1902 Magro sat on the Executive Council and the Council of Government. He held this post till 10 August 1904. He became rector of the University on 10 August 1904, and served until 31 July 1920. He was succeeded by Prof. Themistocles Zammit. 

In his capacity as director of public instruction, Magro built new schools, remodelled old ones, and extensions were made on several other schools.

Magro was married to Roseanne Caruana, the daughter of Antonio A. Caruana.

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here

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