Musician, Painter and Engraver

An artist, painter and engraver, as well as renowned musician, Madiona was born in Senglea, and named after his paternal grandfather; the son of Michelangelo Madiona and Maddalena née Gilibert. He studied at the University and acquired a good knowledge of foreign language. He received his artistic training at the UM art class. At the end of the course he placed first and was awarded a gold medal and the promise of a scholarship to study in Rome. However, Governor Thomas Maitland died in January 1824 and the practice of sending art students to study in Rome at Government expense was stopped. But Tommaso’s parents decided to sent their son to study in Rome at their expensis, at the Accademia di San Luca, which Tommaso attended between 1827 and 1828.

In Rome he studied design under the celebrated professors Tommaso Minardi and Johann F. Overbeck.

Madiona was best known for facsimile engraving reproductions of Italian masters. Among his masterpieces is a detail study of Raphael’s La Deposizione which he reproduced in 12 detailed cartoons dedicated to Canon F.S. Caruana.

He returned to Malta from Rome on 7 September 1832 and was commissioned to paint in various churches in Malta and Gozo. The altarpiece The Nativity of the Virgin Mary at the Senglea Collegiate church is considered as his masterpiece. This was replaced by the old one by Mattia Preti. To day this painting was fixed into the soffit of the chapter hall (aula magna) of the Basilica. He also painted for the same church the altarpiece of the Holy Trinity in 1853. Madiona has his studio and residence at ns.37-38 Strada San Giuliano, Sengela.

At this time he exhibited his works at n.71 Strada Forni, Valletta.

Madiona was also known as a musician. He was an excellent guitarist and inventor of a pedal geared guitar which could be used on scores prepared for the pianoforte. He was also interested in literature, history and mythology.

Unfortunately because of the loss of his eyesight his brilliant artistic career came to an abrupt end at the age of sixty. He died single at Two Gates Street in Senglea and was interred in Senglea’s collegiate church. A lithograph portraying Tommaso Madiona is published in L’Arte, Anno II, n. 37 of 22 Maggio 1864.

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here.

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