Actor and author

Victor was born in Valletta, the son of Felice Apap and Carmela née Vincenti. He received his education at St Mary School and the Lyceum. He trained in his mother tongue with his uncle Ninu Cremona* at a time when education was not compulsory at all.  His father Felice was opposed to the idea that his son learnt Maltese in depth.

He used in his childhood to write for himself a kind of newspaper in Maltese and would give a six pence to his sister to read it for him! He joined the Malta Catholic Action on its foundation in 1931 and was one of the co-founders, together with Mgr Michael Azzopardi, of the Gioventù Cattolica of Valletta.

He first joined the staff of Leħen is-Sewwa in 1933 when the weekly was entrusted to the Malta Catholic Action. He was one of the first to form part of the editorial staff under the reins of Dr Herbert Ganado*.

In 1936 Victor Apap entered the civil service and he occupied diverse positions. He was for a time in the office of the Lieutenant Governor, served as administrative officer at the Housing Department, and Deputy Registrar at the Law Courts. He served in the Home Guard during World War Two and was awarded the Defence Medal.

Victor Apap started his acting career with the dramatic company Gioventù Cattolica after Rev. Salv Laspina set up its dramatic section in 1934. He later on joined the Goldoni company under the guidance of Carlo Bisazza and was a member of the Maleth from the outset so much so that he served as its Honorary Secretary.

He took part as the Colonel in the radio-series Il-Ħajja Maltija (or Spiru Cefai as it was known among the people) by Fr Wistin Born*.

He also participated in operettas and formed part of the company Stardust which used to criss-cross the halls in towns and villages to hold variety shows for the person in the street. 

He took part in the cinematographic film Eyewitness when he interpreted the role of the Prime Minister. His wife Maria was also an actress and with her also took part in plays. He used to involve their children in stage productions and their daughter Tania won the prize as the Best Supporting Actress in the Rediffusion competition in 1968.

Victor Apap was awarded the Gold Star as the best actor of the year on radio (Rediffusion Malta Limited) in 1970.

He was one of the voluntary contributors for many years throughout the lifetime of the light entertainment programme for the comfort of the sick and elderly persons entrusted to the MCA under the name of Is-Siegħa tal-Morda which Rediffusion started broadcasting in 1947.

He serialised and read Herbert Ganado’s Rajt Malta Tinbidel on Radio 101 between 1995 and 1998.

Victor Apap was also a profic writer, and published a few stories in the book Blanzuni and Ulied tal-Azzar. Victor Apap also wrote radioplays.

Victor Apap was not only a member of the Akkademja tal-Malti but also an Honorary Secretary of the Maleth Drama Company.

He received the M.Q.R. in 1998 for his contribution as a brilliant author, actor, reader, and teacher.  In 2001 he was given a special recognition as one of the elderly members of the Akkademja tal-Malti.

Victor Apap married Maria Schembri on 29 October 1939, and they had four daughters, Margaret, Marian, Celia, and Tania.

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here

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