As COVID-19 sweeps across the world, life as we know it has come to a temporary halt with most people resorting to the internet to tend to their everyday needs.

While communities adapt to this new reality brought about by the importance of social distancing, Malta Together has developed a non-profit centralised online platform: The portal serves as a one-stop website, featuring initiatives, streamlined information, activities for children and teens as well as online classes for all the family.

“BNF Bank supports this creative non-profit initiative as it provides a great informative space, encourages creativity and, most importantly, brings our community together despite social distancing,” said Michael Collis, BNF Bank CEO and managing director.

“Our collaboration with Malta Together serves to further support the local community and help the nation stay positive during this crisis.”

The feedback from users of the platform has been highly positive to date. A spokesperson for Malta Together said: “Comments and reactions have so far been positive and we have received hundreds of messages of thanks from users. The website viewing is already around 2,000 views per day with constant engagement from people all over Malta and Gozo.”

Malta Together aims to continue expanding by adding more services and initiatives every day. Submissions of services or initiatives can be made free of charge through the website

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