I am a regular user of public transport and I would not hesitate to state that while there is ample room for improvement, considering the fares we pay the service is not as bad as often portrayed in the press.

Unfortunately, I am now constrained to put pen to paper and complain. It seems that, as the process of reform of the transport system has gained momentum, some bus drivers have decided that they can now lower the standard of service. The other day I boarded the bus home which happened to be filled with tourists and at one point the driver started smoking. I could see the tourists glancing scornfully at him and whispering between them but nobody dared speak to him.

The driver of the bus on which I travelled to work this morning smoked two cigarettes on the way with a Transport Association inspector sitting next to him. In the last three months I encountered six different bus drivers smoking while driving. I kept count purposely because for years before these incidents I rarely encountered a driver smoking on buses I normally used.

If a representative of any public “authority” intends to respond to this letter by encouraging me to report these individuals, do not bother.

I will not do the job of officials who are being paid from my taxes to monitor and regulate this monopolised national service but are never to be seen on our buses.

Now, I have made my complaint here and if boarding a bus remains a health hazard because of smoking I will have got used to the comfort of my car by the time the new transport system starts working. This is not a good prelude to reform.

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