Readers and fans of Maltese theatre recently gathered at Bargate Bookshop in Victoria for a special book-signing session of Meta

Nfetaħ is-Siparju, the much-anticipated biography of acclaimed actor Joe Borg. Known for his captivating performances and dynamic career spanning both stage and screen, Borg has become a beloved figure in Maltese entertainment.

The biography, written with heartfelt detail, delves into Borg’s journey from his early days to his rise as a prominent actor.

Fans lined up to meet the actor, who graciously signed copies and shared stories from his experiences in theatre and film. “It’s all about connection,” Borg said. “My hope is that this book will connect readers to the moments, triumphs and challenges that have shaped my path.”

Attendees also had the chance to ask questions and engage with the themes of the book, including the unique challenges of Maltese theatre, insights into Borg’s personal and professional life and the cultural significance of Maltese storytelling.

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