Better connectivity between Malta and the United States has featured in talks in Washington between Foreign Minister Ian Borg and US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Pete Buttigieg greets Ian Borg (right).Pete Buttigieg greets Ian Borg (right).

Buttigieg is very familiar with Malta since his father is Maltese and he travelled to Malta several times. 

Borg is a former transport minister. 

“We will be working hand-in-hand to explore the possibility of better connectivity between the two countries,”  Borg said of the talks at the Department of Transport. 

The two also discussed shipping and the growth of Malta's aviation register. 

“Malta has always been a pioneer in the maritime sector and as we serve on the United Nations Security Council, we will work again on this very important field," Borg said. 

Buttigieg noted the work done in recent years by the European Union regarding environmental laws in favour of more sustainable transport.  

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