Bank of Valletta will be funding and supporting five projects as part of the BOV Rebbiegħa CSR Initiative, aimed at fostering sustainable growth and community development. These projects were chosen from among 21 submitted by 17 NGOs in response to an open call made in February.

The projects were selected for their innovative approach and their potential to significantly enhance the quality of life of the Maltese islands, and encompass a variety of areas including environment, sustainability, education, cultural heritage and social inclusion.

The announcement coincides with the bank’s 50th anniversary celebrations, marking half a century of dedicated service and activism in local communities. The selected projects are:

• Conservation and research of loggerhead turtles: Led by Nature Trust-FEE Malta, this project involves building an outdoor turtle tank and implementing satellite tracking to conserve and study loggerhead turtles.

• VR educational experience: Created by Żibel in collaboration with the Archaelogy Department at the University of Malta, this initiative aims to showcase the beauty of the underwater world while highlighting the issue of underwater pollution through a virtual reality experience.

• Interactive environmental book: The Write Deal Association Malta will write and publish an educational interactive book about the BOV 4 Environmental Pillars, providing a virtual platform for learning and engagement. 

• Ġnien community project: Spearheaded by Għawdix, this project aims to interweave the wisdom of traditional Gozitan farmers with the innovative practices and ambitions of younger community members.

•  Maltese honey bee research: in partnership with the Biology Department at the University of Malta, the Foundation for the Conservation of the Maltese Honey Bee will build ecological enclaves to support and promote biodiversity conservation through the study of the Maltese honey bee.

Projects encompass a variety of areas

Commenting during the announcement, Charles Azzopardi, head CSR and events at Bank of Valletta, said: “It gives us great satisfaction to announce the chosen projects under this initiative, as they each represent a crucial step in our continuous mission to enrich the lives of local communities in Malta and Gozo.”

He explained that the selection process was very rigorous and competitive, reflecting the high level of innovation and commitment of local NGOs.

Ernest Agius, the bank’s chief operations officer, said that the initiative underscores the bank’s long-standing commitment to continue playing an active role in society and making a positive impact on the community.

“It is aimed at protecting Malta’s environment while fostering a greater understanding and care for the natural environment around us,” he added.

“The projects chosen under this initiative not only address the immediate needs of local communities, but also lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and development. We look forward to witnessing first-hand the positive impact that these initiatives will bring.”

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