Rebekah Brooks today resigned as chief executive of News International amid growing political and commercial pressure over the phone hacking scandal.

The former Sun and News of the World editor announced she was standing down in an internal email to staff at the company, which also publishes The Times and Sunday Times

Ms Brooks, 43, said she quit to avoid distracting attention from News International's efforts to "fix the problems of the past".

She became a focus for criticism of the company's journalistic practices after it emerged that the News of the World hacked into murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone while she was editor of the Sunday tabloid.

Ms Brooks wrote in her email to staff: "My desire to remain on the bridge has made me a focal point of the debate.

"This is now detracting attention from all our honest endeavours to fix the problems of the past.

"Therefore I have given Rupert and James Murdoch my resignation. While it has been a subject of discussion, this time my resignation has been accepted."

Labour frontbencher Chris Bryant, who has been a leading critic over the phone-hacking scandal, said Ms Brooks should have left before.

"I think it is right that she goes. I think she should have gone a very long time ago," he told Sky News. "Frankly, she should have gone when she said she had paid police officers for information back in 2003."

He added: "I thought it was disgraceful when the newspaper last week was closed as a way of trying to protect Rebekah Brooks and then Mr Murdoch saying that she was his priority.

"It felt like those in the boiler room were carrying the can for those who were really at the helm of the ship."

Ms Brooks's message continued: "At News International we pride ourselves on setting the news agenda for the right reasons. Today we are leading the news for the wrong ones.

"The reputation of the company we love so much, as well as the press freedoms we value so highly, are all at risk.

"As chief executive of the company, I feel a deep sense of responsibility for the people we have hurt and I want to reiterate how sorry I am for what we now know to have taken place."

Her resignation comes despite Mr Murdoch describing her as his first priority when he flew into London on Sunday to take charge of the crisis engulfing his media empire.

Ms Brooks said she would now concentrate on "correcting the distortions and rebutting the allegations" about her record as a journalist, an editor and executive.

She said her resignation would allow her the time to give her full co-operation to the police investigation into phone hacking and police bribes, the judge-led inquiry into the scandal, and her appearance before the Commons Culture Media and Sport Committee on Tuesday.

Ms Brooks used her farewell message to praise Rupert Murdoch's "wisdom, kindness and incisive advice" and his son James's "great loyalty and friendship".

"I have worked here for 22 years and I know it to be part of the finest media company in the world," she wrote.

"News International is full of talented, professional and honourable people. I am proud to have been part of the team and lucky to know so many brilliant journalists and media executives. I leave with the happiest of memories and an abundance of friends."

Ms Brooks first offered her resignation to the Murdochs last week as News International took the decision to axe the News of the World, it is understood.

Prime Minister David Cameron said last week that he would have have accepted her resignation if it was up to him.

"It has been reported that she offered her resignation over this and in this situation I would have taken it," he said.

Meanwhile, a defiant Rupert Murdoch has said he will challenge the "total lies" issued about his News Corporation media empire in the phone hacking scandal when he appears before MPs next week.

The 80-year-old media tycoon and his son James bowed to pressure and agreed to give evidence to the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Tuesday, having previously said they were unavailable to attend.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch said he wanted to address "some of the things that have been said in Parliament, some of which are total lies".

He added: "We think it's important to absolutely establish our integrity in the eyes of the public ... I felt that it's best just to be as transparent as possible."

Despite the massive outcry over the allegations centring on the now defunct News of the World, Mr Murdoch insisted News Corp had handled the crisis "extremely well in every possible way", making just "minor mistakes".

"When I hear something going wrong, I insist on it being put right," he said.

He said that the company would now establish an independent committee, headed by a "distinguished non-employee" to investigate all charges of improper conduct.

However the pressure intensified with the disclosure that the FBI has opened an inquiry into claims that News Corp journalists sought to hack the phones of the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Congressman Peter King, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee who asked the FBI to investigate, said it was the "American dimension" of the phone hacking scandal.

"This could be a criminal matter. The FBI handles criminal investigations," he said.

In his interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr Murdoch also hit back at Gordon Brown over claims that the News International papers, including The Sunday Times, had illegally obtained information about him and his family.

He said the former prime minister "got it entirely wrong", adding that "the Browns were always friends of ours" until The Sun withdrew its support for Labour before the last election.

He also dismissed claims that News Corp was considering selling or separating off its newspaper assets as "pure and total rubbish".

Meanwhile Scotland Yard was also under pressure to explain how it came to employ a former News of the World journalist arrested in the phone hacking investigation as a PR consultant.

Neil Wallis, 60, who was deputy editor under Andy Coulson's editorship, was detained in a dawn raid on his west London home and questioned for several hours at Hammersmith police station.

While he was being held the Yard was forced to admit that it had paid him £24,000 to work as a two-day-a-month public relations consultant. His contract was cancelled less than six months before the Operation Weeting investigation into phone hacking was launched.

Home Secretary Theresa May fired off a letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson demanding an explanation.

Sir Paul was also summoned for what was described as a "very frank discussion" with London Mayor Boris Johnson lasting almost an hour and a half.

The commissioner will now give evidence to the Commons Home Affairs Committee - which is looking at the police investigation - on the same day as the Murdochs appear.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said: "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has resigned. No one should exercise power without responsibility."

The party's former deputy prime minister, Lord Prescott, said: "Just heard Rebekah Brooks' has resigned. Thank God! It's another step closer to getting a more responsible press in this country."

Chairman of the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee John Whittingdale said he believed her resignation had been "inevitable".

"I think this is the right decision. I think many people expected it to come rather sooner, but I think her position was extremely difficult," he told Sky News.

"I think the most shocking revelation of all, perhaps, was the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone, which took place when she was the editor of the paper and there has obviously been a stream of revelations since then.

"This was inevitable and it is the right thing."

In a message to News International staff, News Corporation's chief executive in Europe James Murdoch hailed Ms Brooks as "one of the outstanding editors of her generation" who "can be proud of many accomplishments as an executive".

"We support her as she takes this step to clear her name," he said.

Mr Murdoch junior revealed that News Corp is planning to use national press adverts this weekend to apologise to the nation for wrongdoing at the News of the World.

He wrote: "This weekend, News International will run advertisements in all national newspapers. We will apologise to the nation for what has happened. We will follow this up in the future with communications about the actions we have taken to address the wrongdoing that occurred.

"We are also sending letters to our commercial partners with an update on the actions we are taking.

"Next week, my father and I will appear before the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee and will speak to them directly about our determination to put things right.

"The company has made mistakes. It is not only receiving appropriate scrutiny, but is also responding to unfair attacks by setting the record straight."

Mr Murdoch praised new chief executive Tom Mockridge as "a highly respected and accomplished media executive", who had shown "leadership and integrity" in creating the Sky Italia 24-hour TV news channel in Italy.

The chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, Keith Vaz, said it was important that News International continued to cooperate with the police investigation into phone hacking in the wake of her resignation.

"We must make sure that the resignation does not mean that there is not that continued cooperation," he told Sky News. "We need to still get to the bottom of matters."

Mr Miliband added, in a message on Twitter: "It's right Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility and resigned. Mr Murdoch still hasn't apologised to the victims of phone hacking."

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