Quoting author Mark Twain, “find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.
Building a meaningful career can be challenging, not only when it comes to finding appropriate job vacancies. What would one’s career look like if one were to truly feel free? Important practices should be adopted early in one’s career to ensure one feels fulfilled. And if one is already past ‘early’, one should adopt them now. It is never too late. Although a difficult leap of faith might seem hard, one must trust that the choices one makes for the longer term won’t jeopardise one’s career advancement.
If one is in their 20s, it is unlikely to know what makes them professionally happy. They are still acquiring knowledge about themselves. They should pay attention to what makes them feel most alive. What are the stories they want to tell their closest friends whom they don’t need to impress?
When does one feel like they’ve made their best contribution? These are the indicators that should point them towards longer-term career choices, not choices one believes will make them look successful or impressive.
Making career choices with a purpose is crucial. What is it that one can learn and how are career progression opportunities perceived by the company one works for? Career progression doesn’t have to mean a new job title, a bigger desk and more responsibility.It’s important to look at it from the point of view of developing one’s skillset, amassing valuable experience and progressing as a professional in one’s field.
This is exactly the philosophy behind local business conglomerate Famalco Group, which is on the lookout for people with talent,motivation and charisma to build a successful and fruitful career within the growing company and their diversified brands.
Since the group’s inception in1994, the company has grown,bravely branching out and forming an aggregate of business units involved in fresh produce trading,logistics, investment partnerships,property development, real estate services, retail and hospitality, marketing and communication, mobility, business solutions, earthwork,energy and engineering.
Such successful diversification has led the group to understand the positives in maintaining highly functional and motivated teams of individuals progressing towards their long-term goals.Boasting employment positions,ranging from local and overseas trailer drivers and various administrative positions to photographers, graphic designers, videographers and engineers, Famalco Group allows employees to not only surround themselves with experts and professionals from a wide range of industries, but to learn and grow with the best.
The group’s interest in employee development and growth is an essential priority, maintained by frequently encouraging employees to attend a number of global and specialised training seminars and courses all over the world. The group understands that through such focused sessions employees return highly motivated, as well as equipped with new skills and ideas to push the group further ahead.
Although operating through many businesses, each spread across different locations in Malta,the group periodically arranges for employees to get together for company activities and meet-ups during the year. Such events include the classic Christmas party, barbecues, boat days, summer parties and more fun celebrations, each giving employees a chance to take a break from work and comfort-ably mix with their colleagues.
With exciting new plans and many future business arrangements in the works, Famalco Group is determined to continue seeking determined individuals steadfast in their desire to grow their career alongside company goals and achievements.
For more information, call the group’s Business Development Unit on (+356) 2339 2339 or visit www.Famalco.Net.