The recent European Parliament election has given us new courage, hope, and determination. The people of Malta have spoken clearly: we can achieve our goals, and together, we shall do so.

Starting from a significant deficit of almost 43,000 votes, the Nationalist Party has successfully narrowed the gap to just over 8,000 votes. This remarkable progress is a testament to the strength and resilience of our collective efforts, and most importantly, to the will of the people who yearn for change, freedom, and a better quality of life.

Our goal to increase our representation from two to three Members of the European Parliament has been realised, reflecting the trust and support the people have placed in our message.

We have managed to reduce the votes gap and increase our seat tallies in the local councils’ elections too and we have regained seven local councils and obtained a relative majority in another two, Mellieħa and Birkirkara. The PN now governs 24 local councils as opposed to 19 in 2019 with five hung local councils which still have to be decided in the coming days and weeks.

In the face of substantial challenges, we stood firm against the overwhelming resources and propaganda deployed by the Labour Party. Despite the use of state funds and media to influence voters, the people saw through these tactics and embraced our vision for the future.

When premature claims of victory were made, the subdued celebrations among Labour supporters revealed a deeper truth: the electorate’s demand for integrity, good governance, and principled leadership.

This election has underscored the importance of our values – democracy, rule of law, and transparency. The people of Malta have shown their support for these principles, rejecting the notion that political power can overshadow justice and accountability.

This election has underscored the importance of our values – democracy, rule of law and transparency

Looking forward, we are committed to building a broad coalition that unites all who share our dedication to these values. Our journey is just beginning. Together, we can continue to advance our vision for a better future.

We are dedicated to creating a real economy that works for everyone, fostering sustainable development that balances economic growth with environmental stewardship.

Our plan includes comprehensive reforms in health, education and energy sectors, ensuring that every citizen has access to high-quality services and opportunities. We also recognise the importance of enhancing our country’s reputation on the global stage, promoting Malta as a beacon of good governance and innovation.

We humbly acknowledge that we do not hold exclusivity over the solutions for a better Malta. The journey ahead requires the contribution and cooperation of all Maltese citizens. By having everyone on board, we can harness a diversity of ideas and perspectives to address the challenges we face and achieve our common goals.

The result of this election proves that we are capable of great things.

In the same way that we have managed to build new Nationalist majorities in various localities, we are determined to also build a new Nationalist majority in the country. 

With humility and gratitude for the people’s trust, we shall move forward, guided by the hope and belief that Malta deserves principled leadership and a brighter, more equitable future. Together, we can build a Malta that stands as a testament to the power of unity and shared purpose.

Bernard Grech is the leader of the Nationalist Party.

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