Nature Trust – FEE Malta, including its Gozo section, is at the peak of a busy summer.

Though schools are currently closed for summer holidays, specially-trained educators are providing beach educational sessions and activities related to Blue Flag beaches, wildlife and sustainability. They are also catering for summer clubs, scout groups, childcare centres and whoever asks for collaborations, clean-ups and similar activities.

The wildlife rescue section is providing 24x7 services to pick up injured or sick wildlife and other wildlife and then release them back in the wild once in good health.

The group is also monitoring Ramla Bay for turtle nesting and hatching, and providing a 24x7 watch on three loggerhead turtle nests on the same beach. 

This is being done with the involvement of more than 100 volunteers and support by the Gozo Ministry.

Recently, the public could learn about all this and more that Nature Trust volunteers do in Gozo by visiting the stand that was set up at the Santa Marija Fair held annually at Villa Rundle in Victoria.

Visitors were able to buy the recently published book What is that Animal?, which gives a detailed description and information on wildlife on the Maltese islands. The stand was manned by EkoSkola teacher Marvic Refalo, who is in charge of the Education Nature Trust - FEE (Malta) Gozo section.

The work coordinated by Nature Trust in nearly all schools from kindergarten to University level in Gozo is related to the Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) and Learning about Ecosystems and Forests (LEAF) programmes.

Those interested in volunteering are to contact the team through the Facebook page Nature Trust ‒ FEE Malta Gozo section or by e-mailing

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