A five-year collective agreement was signed today between the union of cabin crew and Air Malta.

Approved by some 70% of the union's members the agreement was described by Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzias a step towards getting all pending agreements signed.

"I must stress how important it is that the pending agreements are reached before the end of the year as the airline needs to have a complete package to secure financing and move forward. Air Malta has made a number of financial commitments," Dr Mizzi said.

READ: Konrad Mizzi's threat to shut down Air Malta is unacceptable, unions say

The agreement signed with cabin crew will see them receive pay increases but fly with one less member of crew. It also encompasses rostering, working practices, and service standards.

Air Malta has yet to sign agreements with ground handlers and the pilots' union - hopefully before the year's end.

He told the Times of Malta that the negotiating team would focus on ground handlers, represented by the General Workers' Union, this week, and then on the pilots' union next week. Talks with both were at an advanced stage, he said.

Read: Three of four pending Air Malta agreements nearing conclusion


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