The Malta Cross Music Competition will be holding its second edition this year in Malta, at the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta from April 7-10.
The project will span three days with competitors from the Czech Republic, Malta, Austria and other countries, aged from 16 to 36. The competition is open to male and female instrumentalists in four categories: film music, classical music, traditional music and a favourite song.
Four judges will be present and masterclasses, educational music discussions, mini concerts and other related events to music will take place during the three days, with prize day being held on the last day on April 10.
“The aim of the competition is to share the music and knowledge around our contestants,” said artistic director Frank Bonnici.
“This year, we are grateful to be inviting international contestants to the Maltese islands, where we will be showing them our country and its natural beauty. I myself, as an artistic director, I am proud to be Maltese living abroad and share all these elements with people coming from other cultures. I believe that Malta has a lot to show when it comes to talent.”
The competition is currently searching for Maltese contestants. Those who are interested can contact with a short biography and a short music clip.
Further details and information will be sent to contestants upon sending this e-mail.
“I personally thank all who supported us last year and believe in us this year,” Bonnici said. “Thank you once again for all the support.”
The Malta Cross Music Competition will take place at the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta from April 7-10. There will be no entrance fee but a small donation to the Malta Cross Music Competition will be appreciated.