A call for proposals for the generation of ideas for start-up actions to explore and tackle the challenges arising from plastic in the environment has been launched by the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

The call is aimed at enabling research in plastics in a circular economy context. It is intended to support entities seeking to pursue activities to explore new ideas, methods and innovations that can bring changes in the life-cycle patterns of plastics.

There is need for fundamental changes in the consumption and use of plastics, and research and innovation can play a crucial role to promote a circular economy. In this regard, collaborative research actions, including feasibility studies and economic models, are needed to generate potential ideas that may offer solutions to address plastic waste both for the Maltese context and the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Through this competitive call, the MSCT is seeking to support participants to generate their ideas and carry out the necessary preparatory activities that may lead to an enhanced project proposal for the future EU Framework Programme supporting research and innovation – Horizon Europe.

The MCST will support entities operating in Malta. While mono-beneficiary proposals are accepted, the MCST encourages applicants to enter into collaborative partnerships to be able to address the call more thoroughly.

This new call is part of several MCST’s initiatives aimed at supporting Maltese entities to participate in research and innovation projects. Its objective is to effectively prepare them for successful participation in future Horizon Europe funding opportunities.

Completed applications must be submitted by November 6 at 6pm to e-mail paradise.mcst@gov.mt.

For more details visit the council’s  website below.


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