Calls for investment in new renewable energy systems with more advantageous grants and increased capacities are being launched starting from Friday, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli said.

She said the calls will be for systems of between 40kWp and 1MWp are offering a total capacity of 15MW, to generate clean energy for 5,500 homes, reducing carbon emissions by 9,150 tonnes every year.

Dalli said the government is also doubling the allocation for the call for systems greater than 1MWp, up from 19MW in 2023 to 38MW this year. This allocation can provide renewable energy for 14,000 homes, decreasing carbon emissions by 23,000 tonnes every year. 

Four calls for offers will be issued:


Submissions opening date

Closing date


April 26

May 3


June 17

June 24


August 26

September 2


November 4

November 11


Dalli said the government is continuing to incentivise families and businesses to adopt more renewables. These calls for offers, she said, are encouraging more enterprises to invest in the green economy, with projects that contribute to Malta’s decarbonisation objectives.

Through the systems installed with the support of different REWS schemes and calls for offers during the last four years, Malta and Gozo installed enough clean energy systems to power 32,000 homes, leading to a 54,000 reduction in carbon emissions every year, Dalli said.

Last week, REWS also announced grant schemes and feed-in tariffs to help families and businesses invest in smaller renewable energy systems.

The first scheme, aimed at residential buildings, offers grants of up to €3,000 for photovoltaic systems, and up to €7,200 for battery energy storage systems. The government is doubling this grant, up from €3,600 in 2023.

Families benefitting from these schemes will get a guaranteed feed-in tariff of 10c5 per unit (kWh) for 20 years.

REWS is also issuing a scheme for families and businesses that wish to invest in renewable energy systems of up to 40kWp, without receiving a grant, but with a feed-in tariff of 15c per unit (kWh) for 20 years.

REWS chief executive officer Marjohn Abela said that, in recent years, Malta witnessed a major transformation in electricity generation through different initiatives and policies and increased public awareness on sustainable energy systems, encouraging a quicker transition to cleaner technologies, while helping families and businesses reduce their energy costs.

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