A campaign to spruce up Malta kicked off on Tuesday and will continue for the rest of the month - just before the formal reopening of tourism takes place.

The government said the campaign is being coordinated in the Office of the Principal Permanent Secretary.

450 workers were directly deployed on the campaign - called ‘Insebbħu Malta’ - on Tuesday. 

Their work focused on street-cleaning on arterial roads from Tal-Barrani to Birzebbuġa, removal of graffiti on walls and street furniture in Valletta, replacement of street lighting in Mġarr, Mosta and Telgħa t’Alla u Ommu in Naxxar, removal of bulky refuse and installation of new traffic lights. 

The Public Cleaning Department, the Public Works Department and Enemalta were involved. 

The campaign will initially focus on arterial roads and areas where people usually gather.

The second part of the campaign will include the cleaning of beaches and maintenance of road signage. The campaign then moves into towns and villages and other residential areas. 

The government said it will ensure that the clean-up is sustained after the campaign is concluded.  



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