For athletes, keeping their bodies in top shape is vital to ensure successful performance. From an intense exercise regimen to a strict diet and the use of supplements, there are several measures athletes take to optimise their technical abilities and heighten their chances of winning. 

One of the supplement types athletes often take are probiotics, which are live microbes (predominantly bacteria) that can provide major health benefits when taken in the correct dosage. Do probiotics really alter a person’s athletic performance? Let’s take a look at some of the findings and key benefits probiotics offer the human body.

How do probiotics work?

The main role that probiotics play is helping to maintain a healthy, neutral balance in your body. Probiotics, such as the Mega SporeBiotic, are essentially good bacteria that promote the body’s functionality. When you acquire a virus and you get sick, bad bacteria enter your body and multiply. Your body then enters a stage of imbalance. To reinstate your body’s neutral balance, the good bacteria (probiotics) work to fight off the bad bacteria. Once balance is restored, you’ll usually feel better.

Maintaining gut health

You might be wondering where most of these beneficial probiotics naturally live within your body, and the answer is within your gut, mostly in the large intestines. Probiotics help support the cells lining your gut to prevent any bad bacteria you might have consumed through food or drinks from entering your bloodstream. In short, the right level of probiotics will ensure a healthy gut.

Gut health in athletes

When the gut becomes weak, bad substances can enter the blood, which can then increase inflammation levels, lower one’s immunity, or harm overall health – none of which are ideal for an athlete’s performance. However, gut issues are extremely common among athletes, with the majority reporting intense gut health issues during training and competition. From nausea to cramping to side stitches, the side effects of poor gut health can hugely hinder an athlete’s performance. The problem is so rampant that it was even the focal point of Dr.

Patrick Wilson’s book The Athlete’s Gut, which explores the complicated nature of gut health and the most common issues that plague athletes.

Research findings

While there is relatively limited research examining probiotic intake and athletic performance, there is reason to believe that probiotics can help combat negative side effects. Certain studies investigating athletes’ probiotic supplementation have provided “modest evidence” that probiotics can offer some clinical benefits in athletes as well as other extremely active individuals.

Additionally, a 2016 review entitled “Immunological aspects of sport nutrition” suggested that daily consumption of probiotics is one of the best dietary strategies to maintain strong immunity, which is clearly vital in reaching strong athletic performance levels.
Ultimately, more research on the relationship between probiotic supplementation and athletic performance is required to fully understand the dynamic. However, current research shows promising indications that regular probiotic intake has a positive impact on athletes’ overall health and therefore on their performance during sports. With that in mind, if you’re an athlete hoping to up your game, probiotic supplements could be the missing ingredient you’ve been seeking.

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