CareMalta Group recently presented the 2022 Quality Assurance Audit Awards to managers and staff members at each of CareMalta’s nine facilities for the elderly and HILA’s three homes. This year, no bronze awards were presented, only gold and silver.

The facility and home managers together with their team were presented with an award for the service they offer to the residents and clients, based on their performance in 2022.

The service offered is monitored to assure a high standard of performance throughout all the facilities and homes.

The service offered is monitored to assure a high standard of performance throughout all the facilities and homes

The Internal Quality Assurance Audits are carried out in all areas of operations: care and medicine, administration, front office, maintenance, housekeeping, health and safety, and catering.

The awards were presented at each facility by the chairperson of Vassallo Group, Natalie Briffa Farrugia, the CEO of Vassallo Group, Pio Vassallo, the CEO of CareMalta Group James Sciriha, and by the COO of CareMalta Group, Noel Borg.

The CareMalta Group, which caters to more than 1,600 residents and employs a workforce of around 1,200 people, is this year celebrating its 30th anniversary.

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