CareMalta has officially opened its library at Villa Messina in Rabat – as part of a joint initiative with Malta Libraries – in time to coincide with Libraries Week, marked every year between April 19 and 23.

Now up and running, the library features an interesting array of books, some of which are brand new, kindly donated by publishers Horizons and Miller and author Michael Galea. These books are a treasure trove for both residents and employees at Villa Messina who are passionate about reading.

 “This initiative is aimed at encouraging older persons to familiarise themselves with the process of borrowing a library book, reading it and then returningit,” said Dianne Giordmaina from Malta Libraries, who has once again started online reading sessions in a number of elderly homes, including those operated by CareMalta, as measures in elderly homes have been eased a little.

Dianne Giordmaina (left) donating a brand new book, one of many donated to Villa Messina by Malta Libraries, to the home’s assistant manager, Karina Debono.Dianne Giordmaina (left) donating a brand new book, one of many donated to Villa Messina by Malta Libraries, to the home’s assistant manager, Karina Debono.

There are currently 99 new resident members who have a library card and can make use of the library at Villa Messina. There were 103 former members.

Twenty-two employees, including new and old members, also make use of the library on a daily basis. Setting up the library has been a long process involving dedication and hard work. Helping Giordmaina with this task were Marion Abdilla, active ageing coordinator at Villa Messina, and resident Clarissa Mercieca, a passionate reader who was happy to lend a helping hand and form part of the team.

A live reading session to the residents by Giordmaina from the book Mill-gallarija, by popular Maltese author Charles Casha, took place recently. The residents loved the stories, inspired by the 1950s and 1960s, when in his younger days, the author watched life in his tiny village go by from his balcony.

Since a number of new libraries in other homes operated by CareMalta are being planned, the donation of brand new books is appreciated.

Those wishing to donate towards this initiative can e-mail Dianne Giordmaina, administrative officer, Public Library Services, Malta Libraries, on

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