How can US President Joe Biden continue to protect, arm and encourage the present cruel, destructive Israeli prime minister in his inexplainable urge to kill so many Palestinians?

Lest we forget, the 1947 decision to create Israel, which was a correct one, had defined the territory of Israel as well as the territory that was to become the new country of Palestine.

It has been now over 70 years that a huge population of Palestinians was violently deported, with their homes and property taken without any compensation, to live in camps away from their land.

It reminds one of the deportations of the Jews to Egypt at the time of Moses. They longed for their home and, finally, they got away, as the bible describes, to their promised land.

Israel did not keep to its territory when attacked by the Arab countries that did not agree with the UN resolution to create Israel but expanded its territory and occupied large tracts of land that was designated by the UN to become Palestine.

Many of the Arab countries that lost the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 later came around to accept the existence of the state of Israel.

But what happened after these two wars was that large swathes of territory that, according to the UN resolution, belongs to the Palestinians were occupied illegally by Israel. The International Court has confirmed once again the illegality of this occupation.

Lots of human right breaches have taken place during this occupation, many new Israeli settlements were built on illegally occupied territories, and Palestinians have been treated in an apartheid fashion by many Israeli governments.

The Palestinians deserve a state that is recognised in the boundaries set out in 1947. Israel and Palestine must be two states side by side, with Palestine joining Gaza and the West Bank into one unit with enough territory to allow a return of displaced Palestinians from the Jordanian and Lebanese camps.

The genocide that is being carried out now by Benjamin Netanyahu and the right-wing parties that support him has to stop.

Netanyahu must be removed. The army must leave all territories and retreat to the original boundaries.

The terrorist organisations must be disbanded and disarmed and their leaders have to recognise Israel.

Palestinians have been treated in an apartheid fashion by many Israeli governments- John Vassallo

The US, Russia, China and all NATO countries could occupy a buffer zone with thousands of soldiers for as long as necessary for the disengagement of Israel from all occupied lands and for the return of the displaced people and the elimination of terrorist groups in a formal two-state solution.

This is not something to be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian representatives. Just like the UN resolution was imposed upon the region in 1947, the time has now come when the UN resolution section dealing with Palestine has to be imposed once again.

This resolution has almost all members of the UN in favour of its implementation but has always been vetoed by the US. President Biden, who is too old to run for re-election, should use his remaining time in office to impose – with his age, his wisdom, his Catholic upbringing and with nothing to lose except his reputation and his place in history – the only solution that will last.

Biden should threaten Israel with taking away the Iron Dome defences should the country not get rid of its present prime minister and retreat to its legal borders and put an end to this regional hatred and fear forever.

Most Israelis are peace-loving people and would live in peace with their Arab neighbours.

Only Biden can do it, and he can, and must, do it now.

John Vassallo is a former ambassador to the EU.



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