The family of Daphne Caruana Galizia has rejected the prime minister’s offer to drop libel proceedings against the slain journalist if they accept the conclusions of the Egrant inquiry.

Joseph Muscat made his offer when he testified in the libel suit on January 31.

In a formal reply through the Magistrates' Court on Thursday, the family said it was not in a position to consider surrendering the case by admitting that Ms Caruana Galizia was not right in her allegations, since it did not have access to the full inquiry report by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja.

Ms Caruana Galizia had said that the prime minister’s wife was the ultimate beneficiary of funds from Panama secret Egrant, basing herself largely on information by Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova. Dr Muscat had denied the claims and sued for libel. 

Read:Egrant inquiry finds falsified signatures, differing testimonies and no proof

The family said that it had no access to the testimony given by Ms Caruana Galizia and Ms Efimova before Magistrate Bugeja.

It also had no access to the testimony given by Jaqueline Alexander and did not know whether she had confirmed or denied having signed a trust document indicating Michelle Muscat as the ultimate beneficiary owner.

The family also had no access to testimony by Karl Cini and Brian Tonna about who held the bearer share certificates representing 99 per cent of the Egrant equity and in whose name they were.

Nor was there access to the reports by the forensic accountants engaged by Magistrate Bugeja to examine and analyse the operational database, accounts and archives of Pulatus Bank, the family said.

A judge is to decide on May 14 whether to order the Attorney General to provide the Leader of the Opposition with a full copy of the Egrant inquiry report.

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