Would you like to attend a Conference where you might have thought that you would spend a long time sitting down but you end up dancing?

Well, if you attended the Conference ‘Celebrating Sport in Malta 2024’, you would know that this is precisely what happened. The delegates attending the three different sessions of this event felt so triggered by what they were exposed to, that they felt compelled to join in whatever this very positive Conference offered.  

On Friday morning, Clifton Grima, Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, opened the event in the presence of physical education teachers, sports coaches, and students.

He was followed by Mark Cutajar, SportMalta’s Chief Executive Officer who explained briefly who this Conference was meant to target. He indicated the very innovative themes and revealed the line-up of speakers for this special event. He promised the audience that this Conference was going to be an innovative one and that stakeholders would surely find it interesting.

Read full story on sport.timesofmalta.com

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