Changes to the facade of the new Parliament House in Freedom Square were approved by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority this morning.
The main changes are to the facade where louvers carved out of large hard stone will now be used. The louvers will be made to look like eroded stone, shading the windows behind them.
The building will also be 45 centimetres higher and 25 centimetres lower.
Parliament House will consist of two blocks, of which one will be the Chamber of Parliament and the other will be offices. The blocks will be built on columns to give an impression of space at the City entrance. They will be separated to allow pedestrians to see St James Cavalier behind them.
Other changes include the relocation of an access staircase, previously located externally between the two buildings, to the internal part of the office block.
At all levels of the chamber block, the facade overlooking the office block will be extended in a straight line up to the facade overlooking Republic Street and the photovoltaic cells at roof level will be laid flat on the roof, as opposed to being laid at an angle in the previous approved design.