This October, the China Cultural Centre in Malta is commencing two long-term courses in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy and the Chinese language. Both courses will start on Tuesday, October 10, are tailored to all levels of proficiency by qualified and experienced instructors. Certificates will be presented to those who finish the entire course.

The traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy course consists of 30 sessions of 90 minutes each. Lessons will take place every Tuesday from 6pm till 7:30pm. Those from eight years and up may apply.

During this course, participants will delve into the deep symbolism and poetic elegance of traditional Chinese painting that has captivated generations. They will also discover the principles of balance, rhythm, and harmony in each brush movement, to create stunning works of art with ink and paper.

Chinese calligraphy is the artistic writing of Chinese characters, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning. This art, as one of the most sought skills and hobbies of ancient Chinese scholars, has been widely practiced in China through generations.

The Chinese language courses consist of 30 sessions of 90 minutes each. These language courses will provide systematic instruction in Chinese grammar and cultivate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Lessons for beginners, intermediate and upper-intermediate will take place every Tuesday, whereas lessons for pre-intermediate, advanced and introductory Chinese for children will take place every Wednesday. All lessons are held from 6pm till 7:30pm. The introductory Chinese for children course applies to those aged six to 11. For the rest, those aged 12 years and up may apply.

The China Cultural Centre in Malta established its first Chinese language class in 2004, Over 1,000 students joined the courses during the past 19 years.

Both courses will be held at the China Cultural Centre in Malta which is located at 173, Melita Street, Valletta.

For further information e-mail or call 21225055 (Monday to Friday: 9am till noon).

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