The Malta Chocolate Factory is hosting a series of one-hour fun chocolate-making workshops and master classes about how to pair chocolate with cocktails or wine.

During the chocolate-making workshops, participants will learn how to make chocolate from bars to truffles and some tricks about colouring chocolate and making fun shapes. They will then attempt to colour, mould and create cute chocolate shapes as well as piping ganache and making their own tasty truffles. Whatever participants make, they get to take home.

In the pairing master classes, participants will learn about how to combine flavours, how to make cocktails and how to pair cocktails and wines with chocolates, truffles or pralines.

The  pairing master classes will be held today at 3.30pm, Friday at 5.30pm; September 24 at 3.30pm and September 27 at 5.30pm at the Malta Chocolate Factory, 179, St Anthony Street, Buġibba. The fun chocolate-making workshops will be held tomorrow at 3pm, Sunday at 2.30pm; September 25 at 3pm and September 28 at 2.30pm.

For more information, visit For bookings, visit

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