Thanks to the forthcoming election for members of the European Parliament, interest in the European Union has been reignited. Once again, our attention is drawn to what is going on in the EU and to whether the EU really has been a positive development for Malta and Europe.

Since the euphoria of May 2004 when Malta joined the EU, one can look back and analyse the matter in a more dispassionate manner. Various questions arise. Is the EU really representing us? Is the EU really promoting the values that should distinguish its true identity?

The shock of Brexit and the evidence that an ever-increasing number of people are not even bothering to vote is a very disheartening sign. For those of us who profess to be Christian, there are also disappointing factors that tarnish the core values that led to the formation of the EU.

No doubt the EU has kept the peace in Europe, and that is not something to scoff at. Yet the creation of the EU had higher aspirations. It was meant to be built on the pillars of the vital principles of solidarity and subsidiarity, and above all, underpinned by Christian democracy.

Democracy will be Christian or it won’t exist. An unchristian democracy is a caricature which sinks into tyranny or anarchy- Robert Schumann

It bears reminding that the EU was the fruit of the idealistic vision of distinguished Catholic politicians, men of the calibre of Robert Schumann, Alcide De Gasperi and Konrad Adenauer. Schumann stated that: “Democracy owes its existence to Christianity.” He added: “Democracy will be Christian or it won’t exist. An unchristian democracy is a caricature which sinks into tyranny or anarchy.”

Sadly, we do not need too much political awareness to realise that any reference to Christianity in the European political arena is conspicuous by its absence.

The culture of high-level lobbying of special interest groups in the EU has made a mockery of subsidiarity, as traditional, small-scale economic activity has collapsed under the impact of powerful elites. But the assault has not only been at the economic level. It has also been a direct assault on the traditional family, as divorce, same sex-marriage and abortion have gutted this vital institution.

While the EU gurus pontificate on European values, the family unit in Europe is breaking down as less young people opt to marry and, having no support, children are often considered a severe financial burden. The result is staring us in the face as Europe is ageing, and the burden to support the elderly shoots through the roof. With less families, the onus of support falls on the State. Therefore, it is not surprising that euthanasia becomes an attractive option.

With the absence of stable border security, Europe is continually being flooded with an uncontrollable intake of immigrants of different cultures. Meanwhile, the European apparatchiks ignore examining and addressing the root causes of this phenomenon. The causes of poverty, corruption and violence in the immigrants’ countries of origin seem to be overlooked.

As Christians, we have to seek out and support politicians who will really uphold the Christian ideals we believe in. We should also insist that prospective candidates make their views known. Unbelievably, some say that abstention is the best way to express our disillusionment with the anti-Christian policies of the EU. This is a cheap excuse to avoid taking a stand. Christians cannot abdicate their responsibility to participate in the political arena.

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