Today there are many opportunities for success thanks to the vast technological advances in our rapidly changing globalised world. Yet people who have been successful suddenly find themselves in their mid-life trying to decide what else there is in life. People who do not find an answer tend to just continue amassing symbols of success. Others decide there’s got to be something more than material success and begin an inward spiritual search. These people start moving from success to significance.

This recalls the Gospel story of the rich young man who was searching for a higher value than his amassed wealth. While assuring Jesus that he had kept the commandments, he turned away sadly when Jesus challenged him to give his wealth to the poor if he desires to have treasure in heaven. “For what good it is for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self.” (Luke 9:25)

So what can people do to bring spiritual values into their career and business life?

The Power of Ethical Management, by Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale.The Power of Ethical Management, by Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale.

An insightful answer to this question is given by Ken Blanchard, Ph.D., who has authored 12 books and is chairman of Blanchard Training and Development company. Blanchard says people need more alone-time, quiet time. He says the world and our minds are so busy we have little or no time for personal reflection.

Norman Vincent Peale, in The Power of Ethical Management, said we have two selves: a task-oriented self that is used to getting things done, and an inner self that reflects our spiritual nature. It takes longer to wake up to our inner self than our task-oriented self.

The alarm goes off in the morning and people jump out of bed, trying to eat while they’re washing in the bathroom, probably with a mobile phone on the counter. The whole day goes on that way. At night, they fall into bed exhausted till the next day comes and they do it all over again, and each day blends into another.

Blanchard says he wakes up an hour or so before he does anything in the day to dedicate time for spiritual reading, reflection and a short walk. In other words, he starts the day by feeding his spiritual inner self, and from that space, steps into the day. He believes people need to shed their false selves to reveal a true and loving, noble servant within, which can be called the spiritual self. When one’s spirit is integrated with one’s emotions, intellect and body, this leads to a new way of being and acting in the world. It is a matter of bringing one’s faith into our daily actions.

We all desire success. There is nothing evil about success unless we make it an end in itself. But a believer desires a different type of success than that of the world. Success for a Christian is being obedient to the known will of God, whether that means going through trials or receiving a blessing.

Our search for an authentic and meaningful life is futile if we disregard the origin and purpose of our existence, that is, that we were created for God’s own glory and to share his life with others.

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