Gozo Cathedral parish children preparing for Holy Communion and Confirmation are the main participants in the Christmas novena which comes to an end today.
Every evening, children read out special Christmas messages, accompanied by carol singing.
Today, Bishop Anton Teuma will lead Pontifical vespers with the Cathedral Chapter at 6pm. At 11.15pm, altar boy Nicholas Bugeja will deliver a short Christmas sermon, followed by a concelebrated Pontifical Mass, during which Mgr Teuma will deliver the Christmas message.
The orchestra will be led by maestro di cappella Joseph Debrincat, while the cathedral choir will be led by Matthew Sultana. The Christmas Day Pontifical Mass starts at 6pm.
On Saturday, December 31, there will be adoration of the Holy Eucharist after the 7.30am Mass. Mgr Teuma will celebrate a thanksgiving Mass at 6.30pm and intone the Te Deum in thanksgiving to God for favours received throughout 2022.
The feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin and the World Day for Peace will be celebrated on Sunday, January 1. Bishop Teuma will concelebrate mass with the cathedral chapter. Sung vespers will be held at 5pm.
The feast of the Epiphany will be held on Sunday, January 8. Bishop Teuma will lead Pontifical Mass at 8am.