I refer to the letter Neglected Valletta Church (March 6) in which the author accuses Mepa of "spinning" the realistic picture and facts of the church of Our Lady of Damascus and the Papas' residence that was included in the informative and educational One World series the authority publishes three times a week.
While we acknowledge that there was a mistake in the text and so take the opportunity to correct and inform readers that the church of Our Lady of Damascus in Valletta is in fact a Greek Catholic church and not Greek Orthodox, in publishing these information snippets Mepa has no ulterior motives than to raise more awareness and appreciation of our capital city's heritage. Our aim and objective is that, through the scheduling of this and other properties and by raising more awareness, we hope to encourage owners of these properties to take the initiative to implement Mepa-approved maintenance and restoration works to safeguard these architectural gems from being lost.
Besides providing the public with such educational information bites, we had also intended to carry a recent photo of the building, monument or feature too but space restrictions did not allow it. We take the opportunity again to thank The Times for supporting the authority in this initiative.